Group Motorcycles Insurance
Vietnam is a motorbike loving nation and her traffic jams are totally unique. The roads are full of motorbikes and cars and you never know when you could be hit by a negligent, uninsured or untraceable motorist. Third party liability arising out of motorbike ownership can easily become an onerous burden if you do not have the adequate insurance coverage. Furthermore one can easily become a victim of theft or robbery in a split second, even when your motorbike is locked, secured or equipped with the latest security devices.
AEGIS can help to negotiate policies that contain an array of key advantages that may not be available if you were to work directly with an Insurer such as:-
We will always search and negotiate with a panel of experienced underwriters to provide you with insurance tailored exactly to your needs. We also have a specialist claims management team dedicated to supporting you with claims and emergency cases. To discuss your company vehicle insurance options, or to obtain a quote, please contact us on +84 (28) 3514 7969 or Email us: [email protected] |
Operating Hours (Vietnam Local Time)
Mon – Fri 08:00 AM – 06:00PM At all other times we shall respond to your queries within 24 hours and would be grateful if you could kindly leave your contact details